Monday, August 27, 2007

End of August Flowers

I have been digging in composted manure and heaving out old perennials. This is good for the gardener's soul! I had been having a dysfunctional relationship with some tired, overgrown, and underachieving perennials and finally allowed myself to get rid of them. Of course, the nicer plants have gone to other gardeners (mainly plants which didn't fit my changing color scheme), but some of the wildflowers just didn't suit the semi-formal flower borders. I left only one Filipendula hexapetala/vulgaris and chucked the rest into the compost.

Lupinus polyphyllus Gallery Series Yellow: It is probably still flowering because I deadheaded it. The foliage still looks fantastic at the end of summer. This is a great plant! It has produced several seedlings and I'm interested to see what their blooms are like next summer.

Viola "Sorbet Lilac Ice"
I dug out plenty of catmint, which spreads itself around like a promiscuous rodent. The smell of the recently hacked-up plants must have drawn the tabby cat I saw in there yesterday. I saw it slink across the yard and then jump up into the catmint, rolling around in euphoric ecstasy. If only the cats could dig up some plants and take them away!

Echinacea purpurea "Ruby Star", which is semi-dwarf and has non-drooping petals and red cone. I am really liking this flower, which reminds me of the perky, perfect flowers of the Gerbera daisy. Behind it are some white Echinacea with yellow cones, name unknown.
Echinacea purpurea "Jade": This coneflower variant has a green (vs. yellow-orange) cone and non-drooping white petals. It is also shorter than my wild Echinacea. I planted this plant in the spring of this year and this is its first bloom.

What do we have here? A double-decker Monarda?


quu said...

I just realized how difficult is to get rid of old perennials - like Columbines. Smaller garden is full of them and no-one wants pretty Columbines.. and I am too weak to put them into compost..

I offered plants to my friends and every one said "just these - nothing fancy?" *sight*

Garden sure needs new color scheme or something, because it's too small and everyone (me specially) see it's faults.

MrBrownThumb said...

Oh I'd love to grow "Jade" in my garden but I haven't seen it available for sale around me.

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