Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Enjoy the Colors

The pumpkins are picked, the butternut squash is lingering a few days longer, and the leaves are brilliant.  While we have a lot of evergreens in the forest, there are many deciduous trees with brilliant fall color here.  The viburnums and dogwoods have deep red leaves while the poplars and birch show bright yellows. 

We picked a respectable amount of bell peppers from our two potted plants on the deck this last week.  I didn't want to see them get caught in frost and they weren't changing color in the cool weather, so they all were harvested. 

Rose Hips on the Hansa rose

Fall colors

There should still be some bulbs in the mail on their way to my yard.  I'm not doing much out in the yard these days, however.  I should be out photographing the great colors though.  I keep checking the aurora forecast, as we had some great auroras around this time last year, but the night sky has remained fairly quiet recently.
View of the neighbours' floatplane and sailboats.
My yellow nasturtiums are one of the few potted plants that stay looking great until fall.  That's why I planted them.  These ones sit out at the end of the driveway.  That fact the flowers are edible is a bonus!


Carolyn ♥ said...

I'd forgotten that Nasturtiums are edible. And they do look grand after Summer heat.

Clayton said...

Great post Lisa. I am so amazed at some of the things still blooming. Like a Clematis Crystal Fountain! You have much better fall color there than we do. We have had just 0 or -.5 C so that has not caused a lot of color here.

Helen/patientgardener said...

I need to do stuff in my garden as well but I am suffering for an early bout of needing to hibernate. I do like the look of that floatplane - always wants to go in one of those

Northern Shade said...

You have some great fall colour around the lake and the logs. That's an especially nice shot of the float plane on the lake. We're just staring to see more colour here now, but don't have as many of the beautiful reds that you have.

Joyful said...

Beautiful garden and beautiful scenery.