Annual salvia, still looking nice.

The large raised bed full of perennials. I made a spot for a new peony and have marked all the potential bulb locations with purple stakes. Hello bulbs, I am ready!

Smaller raised bed with perennials thinned, ready for new perennials and bulbs.

A fungus in the lawn -- looks like a cluster of dinner buns!

September month is bulb-planting month in the north! I am waiting from orders from Lilies in the Valley, Veseys, and a garden center in Campbell River, BC. Hopefully, all orders come before the ground freezes, which has been problem in the past with some mail-order companies.
Sedum "Brilliant", but no blooms yet!

"Blue Bird" Delphinium elatum -- reblooming.

Your gardens are looking lovely. We haven't had any rain and mine are looking very dried out. Your raised beds are wonderful. Have fun planting all the bulbs.
Hi Gardenista, the landscaping in your garden is great,esp liked the stone bordered raised beds.
A very interesting shot of fungi, indeed!!
Looks like things are going well at La Ronge! Good luck with early frosts!
Thanks crafty, green thumb, and red scot...I'm keeping on gardening to the bitter end, of the season that is!
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