A lucky petunia that has not yet succumbed to frost:
Fall colors of the Siberian Dogwood, a shrub I picked for it's touted "winter attraction". The younger stems are a brilliant red, which if the snow is not too deep, you might be able to appreciate!
Lupinus polyphyllus "Gallery Yellow", another perennial that hasn't looked this good all summer:

Reblooming Campanula persicifolia:
My first blooms of Gentiana septemfida, the lovely blue crested gentian. This one was given to me by a local gardener friend. I see that Kate's (in Regina, SK) crested gentian bloomed in the end of August! Mine is a month late (and 518 km/322 mi north), though this is its first summer in my garden.
Kona is giddy about her new straw bedding. Her house may look over-stuffed now, but it is her bedding for the winter and all the frosty -45 degree celsius nights we are looking forward to! Of course, her fur will also have to keep her warm, since she pulled the rubber door off of her house last spring.
I'm glad I got to your website for a visit--lovely garden, and fascinating to see your challenges, which are somewhat different from mine. My G. septemfida is having another spout of blooming, which is a bonus--such great blues in autumn which is usually so much golds, russets and oranges. Your dog is also wonderful, especially burrowed into her straw.
We have a bike called Kona, but your Kona looks more lovely :) Our dogs live in doghouse that has window and door. Usually dogs don't go out from their house.. too comfort there ;) Well, they chase foxes and rabbits whole fall and winter time, so they will need the rest..
What I love about this Gentian is that it blooms for such a long time. Mine still has blooms that open on sunny days ... and it has been through a few frosts now too!
Kona looks happy and content in his new home. Does he drag in his rubber chicken too? What a sweetie.
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