My garden conditions: zone 1b, a short season, acidic soil (no one lives far from a bog), brutal winter temperatures, with lots of snow from November to March (the lake thaws in May).
A few of the plants are generally known as hardy, but I've never tried them. Local gardeners are encouraged to give feedback here! I included my own photos where available.Gardenista's List of PERENNIALS FOR THE NORTH
(Z=minimum hardiness zone rating)
Common yarrow (Achillea millefolium) - hardy but spreads quickly. I removed mine.
Monkshood (Aconitum napellus) – Very poisonous, Z4. I planted some in my yard in 2008. Still thriving in 2012. Very hardy and highly recommended. Blooms in late summer when other flowers are done.
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Aconitum napellus |
Lady’s Mantle (Alchemilla mollis) Z4, a favourite, beautiful chartreuse foliage, water beads collect on the leaves like beads of mercury, forms a nice neat dome-shaped plant. Mature plants died in severe winter of 2009, but self-seeds minimally if dead-headed and will replace losses.

Columbines (Aquilegia) Z3 -very easy to grow, does very well here, seeds itself a bit, I have several different kinds, grow in part shade to full sun, though foliage will get brown and ratty after blooming if grown in full sun (best to trim it down when it does this). There are some cutworms around here that like to chew off all the leaves, but these can be squished by hand.

Rockcress (Arabis) Z3 - short mat with small flowers at the same time the tulips are blooming
--Arabis caucasica (white). Very hardy. Blooms here in May. Short bloom time and looks drab the rest of the year.
Sea Thrift (Armeria pseudarmeria) Z4-looks like a small chives plant in flower, does okay in the rock garden. Marginally hardy in severe winters, however. All dead by 2010.
Sage (Artemisia schmidtiana "Silvermound") Z4, flourishes, good dry-soil plant
Goatsbeard (Aruncus dioicus/sylvester) Z3, prefers moist soil, looks like a large astilbe with cream-colored feathery flowers that bloom for two weeks, I started mine from seed 2 years ago, they flowered in 2007. Several plants show signs of rust and were thrown out, but the rest were okay until the severe winter of 2009 killed them. Some seedlings appearing in 2012.
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Artemisia "Silvermound" |
Goatsbeard (Aruncus dioicus/sylvester) Z3, prefers moist soil, looks like a large astilbe with cream-colored feathery flowers that bloom for two weeks, I started mine from seed 2 years ago, they flowered in 2007. Several plants show signs of rust and were thrown out, but the rest were okay until the severe winter of 2009 killed them. Some seedlings appearing in 2012.
Asters (A. alpinus, A. dumosus) very floriferous and very hardy; the Alpine aster is short with large purple flowers, with a short bloom time in June. My fall aster (A. dumosus) blooms in early October. Frequent division keeps these looking good.
--Aster alpinus "Goliath" -->
--Aster alpinus "Goliath" -->

--Brunnera macrophylla "Jack Frost"
--Campanula carpatica "Blue Clips"-->

--Campanula percisifolia alba (white type)
Snow in Summer (Cerastium tomentosum) Z3 - very hardy, spreads moderately so cut it down after blooming, gray foliage, carpet of white flowers. Cut it back at its margins in spring to reduce spread.
Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium, Morden series) While the grocery store mums are certainly not suited to the prairies (are not bred to flower in our conditions), the Morden mums are excellent.
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Chrysanthemum morifolium "Morden Fiesta" |
Snakeroot (Actaea/Cimicifuga racemosa) Z3 - I have a nice deep reddish foliage specimen that does very well in my garden. A tall and attractive perennial that blooms later in the summer.
Clematis (Clematis macropetala, Clematis mandshurica)--Clematis mandshurica, white, very fragrant flowers, blooms in late summer;
Clematis mandschurica, a fragrant clematis that I grew from seed. |
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Convallaria majalis "Rosea" |
Bunchberry (Cornus Canadensis) Z2 - grow wild everywhere here, no need to buy them!
Delphiniums (Delphinium species)- beautiful, reliably hardy. Self-seeds, so cut off dead flowers. May need to stake them to protect them in summer storms.
--D. grandiflorum "Blue Elf"
--D. elatum "Summer skies" (light blue)-->
--D. elatum "King Arthur" (deep purple)
--D. elatum "Blue Bird" (deep blue)
Pinks (Dianthus - nice little flowers, look good in the rock garden; killed off by severe winter of 2009, but seedlings will keep this plant going. Will plant again, as they survive all but the freakishly cold winters. Highly recommended for mid to late summer blooms.
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Dianthus deltoides "Arctic Fire" |
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Dianthus gratianopolitanus "Firewitch" |
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Dicentra spectabilis "Alba" |
Foxglove (Digitalis) - Lovely spires of flowers in pink, white, violet, yellow and apricot shades. All spread seeds generously if the seedheads are not removed. Only grandiflora is perennial, white the others are biennial (so you want to let them spread their seeds). Digitalis mertonensis (the strawberry foxglove) is also very nice.
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Digitalis grandiflora |
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Digitalis purpurea |
Shooting Star (Dodecatheon pulchellum) -- from another La Ronge garden. Blooms in June.
Leopard's Bane (Doronicum orientale) - grown by another local gardener
Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) Z2 - very pretty, hardy tall pink flower. Mature plants killed off in severe winter of 2009. Flowers in second year and thereafter. Most kinds can be grown from seed.
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Wild-type Echinacea |
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Echinacea purpurea "Ruby Star". |
Sea Holly (Eryngium alpinum) Planted in 2007, bloomed in 2009. Over 2 feet tall, unique steely-blue brushlike flowers. Eryngium variifolium never grew more than a few inches tall and never flowered, so I got rid of it.
Blue Fescue (Festuca glauca) Z3-small, non-spreading ornamental grass. Cut off the seed heads to prevent self-seeding.
Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria/vulgaris) Z3 - wintered well. I eventually found it a bit boring and weedy-looking so I got rid of it.
Gentians (Gentiana sp.) - Very pretty little plants with the most intriguing deep blue flowers. Very sought-after.
--Gentiana verna - blooms here in May
Cranesbills/Hardy geraniums (Geranium cinereum, G. macrorrhizum, G. pratense "Black Beauty") - G. cinereum does okay, G. macrorrhizum is robust but not as attractive

Daylily (Hemerocallis) Z3- do very well here. Almost all were killed in severe winter of 2009, but this is a rare occurence and I would still plant more.
Coralbells (Heuchera sanguinea splendens) Z3- suprisingly do well here, I have several different kinds with a variety of foliage colors including "Palace purple", "Velvet night", and "Firefly"; must have good snow cover. All killed off by the severe winter of 2009.
Plantain Lily (Hosta sp. ) Z3- several including H. sieboldiana "Elegans" they don't pop out of the ground till late May, but look nice when they do. Good for part shade. All killed off by the severe winter of 2009, but I replaced them, as they usually are quite hardy.
Plantain Lily (Hosta sp. ) Z3- several including H. sieboldiana "Elegans" they don't pop out of the ground till late May, but look nice when they do. Good for part shade. All killed off by the severe winter of 2009, but I replaced them, as they usually are quite hardy.
Siberian Iris (Iris sibirica) - I have 2 varieties that do well in my yard, full sun and moderate moisture. Very winter hardy.
--Iris sibirica "Snow Queen" -->

Bitterroot (Lewisia cotyledon) - once of the most beautiful small perennials in existence, in my opinion. It flowers for us in June and does well in very well-drained soil. Insert pebbles around the base of the plant to keep its leaves off the soil. Quite hardy, though freakish cold winter of 2009 killed all plants. They did self-seed though, which is handy, as I find them a bit hard to start from seed indoors. Seeds seem to need the cold and changing temperature of the outdoors to germinate.
Perennial flax (Linum perenne) - delicate looking foliage with pale blue flowers on 10-12" tall plant.
Lupines (Lupinus) Z4 -
--Lupinus polyphyllus "Gallery Yellow"; very attractive flowers. This is the only lupine that continues to do well for me. Not a long-lived perennial here, and tends to die out randomly.

Ostrich Fern (Matteuccia) Z2- thrive here and multiply easily
Bergamot/Bee Balm (Mondarda didyma) Z3- a bit invasive but controllable, attracts butterflies. Center of old clump did not return in 2008, but had new growth at edges. Short-lived perennial.
--large clump of M. didyma, started from seed;

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Myosotis sylvatica "Victoria pink" |
Poppies (Papaver orientale/Oriental poppy, Papaver nudicaule/Iceland poppy, Papaver miyabeanum, Papaver somniferum, Papaver rhoeas) Z3 - grow very well; P. somniferum and rhoeas aren't perennial, but reseed themselves reliably.
Beardtongue (Penstemon ovatus) Z3 - grows well, self-seeds a bit
Peonies (Paeonia) - still waiting for any flowers! Need full sun and moist soil.
--Peony "Lotus Queen" (single flowered, white), planted 2005.
--Peony "Bouchela" (pink), planted 2007. Removed 2008 because of rust.
Creeping phlox (Phlox subulata) - one of the prettiest May/June flowers, short dense evergreen mat that is covered in flowers; comes in pink, pale blue, and white. Severe winter-kill in 2009, but still alive.
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Phlox subulata |
Solomon’s Seal (Polygonatum) Z4 - I don't have this, but I think it grows here
Primroses (Primula denticulata Z4, P. auricula Z2, P. cortusoides Z2, Primula x polyanthus Z4) - the polyanthus is supposed to be the least hardy of these, but I've had them for 2 winters in my yard; auricula has waxy thick leaves and is extremely hardy and not killed by any winter we've ever had.
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Polyanthus |
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Primula saxatilis |
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Primula auricula |

Stonecrop (Sedum sp.) Z3-there are so many different kinds, we have a "wall" of the stuff as groundcover.
Hens and Chicks (Sempervivum tectorum)- there are many sizes and colors. These do well in some corner where not much else will grow.
Sempervivum in bloom |
Lamb's Ear (Stachys byzantina) - fuzzy grey plant, moderate creeper, keep its edges in check, attracts bees. Self-seeds if not deadheaded. Some killed in severe winter, but came back anyhow.

BULBS FOR THE NORTH [F] = Fall planting, [S] = spring planting
Ornamental Onions (Allium sp.) [F] - I am going to be experimenting with a few of the giant flowering types in 2008. "Purple sensation" came up the first year after planting, but not after that.
Glory of the Snow (Chionodoxa forbesii) [F] - tiny little early spring flowers; come in blue, white and pink; plant in clusters for effect
--Blue Chionodoxa
Crocuses (Crocus sp.) [F] - only the spring-blooming crocuses are hardy here.
--tiny snow crocuses, which come in several colors-->

Daffodils and Narcissus - [F] Did not come up in quite shady areas. Random plantings did not come up at all even in sunny places, but several are doing fantastic in the raised bed with some late afternoon shade. Daffodils are a better value than tulips, since they will naturalize while tulips have to be replanted.
--Narcissus Poetaz "Geranium"--Narcissus "Full House"
--Narcissus "Pacific Coast"
--Giant yellow trumpet daffodils-->
Fritillaries - [F] Fritillaria imperialis is NOT hardy here, but F. meleagris (Snake's head or checked lily) is hardy
--Fritillary meleagris (purple type) 2008-->
Snowdrops (Galanthus nivalis) [F] - Took 3 years to bloom! I have heard you need to plant them as a blooming plant (not a bulb) to have them thrive.
Dwarf iris (Iris reticulata "Harmony") [F] - I have plenty of these and love them! They are the first to bloom of all my flowers (in mid-April) in a very sunny sloped rock garden.
--Iris reticulata "Harmony"-->

Lilies (Oriental, Asiatic, LA Hybrids) [S] - do very well, I prefer the LA hybrids such as "Fangio" or, Oriental Pot Lily Farolito was very fragrant; summer flowering
--LA Hybrid Lily "Courier"-cream colored
--LA Hybrid Lily "Auckland"-white
--LA Hybrid Lily "Fangio"-->

Virginia Bluebells (Mertensia virginia) [F] - grown by another local gardener
Grape Hyacinths (Muscari) [F] such a joyful spring flower, multiplies and naturalizes well
--Muscari latifolium (flat leaf muscari) - bloom is not as nice as the others
--Muscari armeniacum (blue)-->

--Scilla siberica -->

--Tulipa tarda /Daystemon tarda-->

Tulips, Other [F] - I have had success with the large spectacular "Single Late", "Darwin Hybrid", and "Triumph" types; but I would never try ones labeled "Single Early/Double Early" in our climate, because the flowers could get deformed by late frosts. Gregii, Fosteriana, and Kaufmanii are probably good choices too, and they should return year after year.
--Double Late "Blue Diamond"-->
--Darwin hybrid Yellow tulip-->
--Single Late "Menton" - initially peach colored, then turn pink -->
--Single Late "Maureen" (white)
--Single Late "Skagit Valley"-->
--Single late "Florissa" (dark pink)-->

This is not a comprehensive list of hardy plants by any means, but possibly informative to new northerners!
Interestingly, there is not much difference in the plants that you can grow there and what we can grow further south. I was surprised to see that some z. 4 plants like Solomon's Seal can survive in La Ronge.
If you can get your hands on a gas plant, go for it. It is one of the most beautiful blooming plants I think. The plant increases slowly and takes a few years before blooming, but it is well worth it. Plus, you can have fun trying to light the volatile oils the plant gives off (I have yet to be successful in that endeavour!!)
Luv your blog! I'm into irises to. Been wanting to try the Iris reticulata "Harmony" and now that I see it growing great in your garden, I'm going to have to buy some.
I don't have any pages started yet in my blog. Such a chicken about starting it.
I stumbled upon your blog today while looking at an outdated local one!
You are doing a fantastic job with your garden! Your plant list is very similar to things that grow here (Newfoundland, zoen 5b). Keep up the great work!!
This has to be one of the best lists of hardy flowers I have seen. Thank you very much.
Jesse, Estevan SK
Hi, You have created a very interesting blog, The amount of flowers you have is awesome.I find La Ronge area to be very interesting and have travelled north there. I have 2 sisters in Air Ronge.
I just wanted you to know I was happy to find your blog as I had in fact started a blog yesterday.
getting a website started, will be
you have beautiful flowers---love the columbine, day lillies--i'm jealous of the lily of the valley.
It was nice to look at your perennials. I found many same flowers I have in my garden :)
The climate must be almost same. I grow my perennials in Finland and the growing zone is III.
Have a nice Midsummer!
hey there, I stumbled upon your blog and I love it! I live on Cape Cod in Massachusetts but I'm looking for plant info all the time from different sources. Right now, I'm working on a zen meditation garden that is in the middle of a huge courtyard. Got my nickname because in the spring and fall, I wear my camping headlamp and garden into the late evening. I live in an apartment complex and my neighbors must have thought I was crazy but now they just appreciate my brightening up the place.
This is fantastic! I'm in Fairbanks Alaska and have begun the test process for seeing what I can grow year to year as well. Very comprehensive and informative blog! I'm going to keep my eye on you! :-) I have most of my garden as it grows posted at
A friend directed me to your blog, as I live in Lapland, Finland.. which has similar short summer seasons and very cold winters. This year I have put in borders to the front of my house and am testing things... your blog has been very useful.
Many thanks from the land of the Midnight sun!
Love Michelle x
I'm new to La Ronge and this page is just what I was looking for. I especially appreciate the ones with pictures and the advice for sun/shade. Thanks!
Thanks for the great list of ideas. I live in northern British Columbia and I had no idea of what to plant here as it is winter from October to usually the beginning of May. This will be helpful!
Great informative list of flowers! I can't wait to start growing with my mom this spring. We live in Northern BC and love to hear from Saskatchewan about gardening as my daddy's from there! Thanks again
I love your perennials.
I live north western Ontario, where we enjoy the bulb colors sprout then the rest follow.
Great description & work you have done~
I enjoyed your website and found your list of plants helpful, as I live in zone 2. Just thought I would mention that the photo of the primula is not a P. auricula. Auriculas are hardy here, but have a very distinct leaf and flower. I also really like lewisias and gentians too. Keep up the good work!
I'm not sure if you check this frequently or not, but I am often on here, looking for perennial ideas.. we built on an acreage 5 years ago and every spring and fall since then I have been adding and rearranging trying to get things just right. I have a question - I am from Prince Albert SK. Last weekend, I dug out about 50 huge assorted perennials from my MIL (who's about 400km south of here).... I have been dropping them in a few a night, but its getting dark early and working fulltime, I haven't gotten too many in. They are stacked in boxes in my garage (about 10 degrees).... how long will they hold in those boxes before the roots die off? Some have dirt, the bulbs don't.... how long do I have to get these things planted for the best chance at success? Also, what can I do to ensure they weather through our northern winter? I currently only have red mulch chips on my beds. Any insight you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
To mytoys10 - you should plant them ASAP, as all bulbs or plants need several weeks of relatively warm weather to take root and get ready for winter. All plants/bulbs could benefit from mulch or straw or boughs of evergreens over the soil, but if they are truly hardy plants, they should live anyhow.
You have similar growing conditions to my garden in the low lying, acidic areas west of Edmonton that get down to -50 C.
Have you tried growing European Bistort? It grows into a lush two foot mound of leaves that stay fresh all season if given enough moisture or growing in semi-shade.
It starts blooming with pink bottle brush flowers in late spring and continues blooming until cut down by very hard frosts. It spreads somewhat but is easy to contain. It is among the hardiest plants I grow.
I am certainly going to take over my parents garden this year to try out some new plants! I am so tired of the same old bearded iris and tiger lily. We need more spice up north! Writing you from Winnipeg, MB.
Very informative. I'm looking for ideas on fall planting perennials so your blog is giving me some great ideas. Thanks :)
Hi I love your blog. I am originally from !a Ronge. My family still lives there. My mom wants to try planting different flowers. Your blog was very informative. Thank you very much. Vanessa
I am deeply in love with every single piece of information you post here. Will be back often to read more updates!
For more collection visit here buy perennials online
Thanks for this comprehensive look at gardening up north! I live in Alberta and have never tried growing columbines before, but I love their exotic look. They look like something that wouldn't grow up here so I'm excited to see that they do! I'll definitely give them a try next season!
i know this is an old post but I just wanted to say thank you for the AWESOME post! I can only imagine the challenges you face that far north, but it must make the suesses that much sweeter! I've bookmarked this page to refer to, probably many times in the future, and I'm going to look at the rest of your blog. I noticed you're not posting much anymore -- I hope all is well and you're looking forward to spring 2016!
-- Erin in Zone 3a Alberta
For most mortgage holders, a garden is generally only a spot where grass develops, and where other foliage and trees are established under the ground. It's essentially a spot where children can circled, and where grown-ups can hang-out on a sunny day.
Are you interested in having a wildlife habitat in your back yard next spring? The time to think about doing that is now in the wintertime. One of the main needs of your backyard visitors is the need for water. We have talked in other articles about ponds in-ground and above ground and about water gardens. Now we need to add the plants.
I grew up in La Ronge and came across your blog last year while trying to figure out if anyone in the Canadian coooold was blogging about actual results with plants in their garden; thanks, you have a few plants that I'm definitely trying now!
... Also for everyone else, I found out that perennials aren't tested further north than a few zone 3 CAN cities -- instead check out CAN prairie authors Sarah Williams & June Flanagan that both lay out perennials, veg, trees, shrubs, vines, decorative native plants, & xeriscape plants for cold climate gardening (zone 2a & even colder)
P.S. I'm frankly sad you've moved to BC as we'll loose your perspective on really cold-climate gardening! (but do check out Sarah Williams Xeriscape book as it will really help out with your new dry well-drained site) ...
I'm afraid I don't have the Latin names for them, but globe flowers do very well here in Snow Lake Mb., as do painted daisies(even though my husband has been known to mow them down or park his quad on them in the winter). I also have very good luck with pink peony (Sarah Bernhart). These lovely plants have survived my husband for over 10 years and produce the most abundant huge candy pink blossoms year after year with little or no shelter. Not even goutweed has managed to choke them out.
Thank you for the guidance and recommendations for other perennials. As I grow older, I find that perennial gardening is the way to go!
I planted a healthy Coralbells var. "Melting Fire" (Heuchera) last year.
It wasn't labeled with the zone hardiness, but I read off the internet, most Heuchera are zone 3 hardy.
Well, our last winter 2017-2018 got very cold. Down to -38 degrees celsius.
Perrenials right next to it came back, but it didn't make the winter.
I'm thinking that not all Heuchera are true zone 3 hardy.
Also, several lupines and even icelandic poppy didn't come back, but several did in the same locations. I"m not sure how to explain why some survive and others don't? Is it the chance how deep the roots are for each plant?
Hi Wakeupscreaming,
Coralbells or Heuchara can be finicky in a colder garden. In this particular article the blogger does not say how they overwinter the out of zone perennials. I have yet to be able to overwinter a heuchera as well.
I suspect snow cover and micro climates all play a part.
I thought heuchara was actually zone 4-9. Here in Winnipeg, we are zone 2b yet due to microclimates, I see many a gardener successful in growing heuchara. Zone map information here:
Knowing your microclimate in the garden can help. Like between our house and neighbours house, we get gale force winds that rip off roofing tiles and the wind is always a cold northerly wind. I've lost plenty there before realizing this. I have a protected area by my garage that I can even keep my opuntia cactus through the winter.
In my experience with lupines, they are shortlived (3-5 yrs)perennials and rely on self seeding. That may be the case for icelandic poppies too. I don't grow those so cannot offer insight into them.
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Great list! I also love Baptisia or False Indigo. It does well in my zone 3 garden and it’s beautiful.
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