Large raised bed on the right:

Raised beds, blue spruce, and crabapple. You can also see three of the four "Carmine Jewel" tart cherries, which I planted in 2005. The water is Lac La Ronge.

View from the road:

The shade beds, under the poplars that I hate (I hate the fluff and the suckers everywhere).

The first of my sunflowers!

The perennial border along the driveway.

Bank of sedum (unknown type), which flowers yellow in July and turns red in fall. The mountain ash tree to the right has been stripped clean of its orange berries by the hungry robins. I would like to do something more with this bank, but it is composed of mainly sand, boulders, and rubble. It is impossible to dig weeds out of here and most plants would require addition of real soil.

Daylily planted last week, labeled with a Permastake, my favourite plant marker:

Morden "Blush" rose never looked this good all summer!

Large raised bed with fall colors in the background. My raised beds contain mostly perennials.

It is really autumn in your beautiful garden, according to your pictures with all the coloured trees and shrubs. Here in Switzerland autumn has just started, there are already some trees loosing their still green leaves. But I do hope that we'll have a real autumn too with all its wonderful golden colours.
Have a good time!
Great work. Your green thumb has really outdone itself. I am cleaning up and looking to next year.
WOW -gardenista, you have such a beautiful garden. I am so glad that you show the whole garden to us :)
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