The lovely little
blue grape hyacinths (
Muscari armeniacum) are blooming so nicely. I dug into these clumps last fall and snatched many bulbs away for other flower beds. You really can't even tell there are bunches missing! The dried flower heads look a bit unsightly late in the summer, but I leave them on the plants so that the seeds can spread around.

Another of my blooming botanical tulips is
Tulipa tarda/Daystemon tarda. It has bright yellow and white flowers. The plant is alot shorter than the
Tulipa turkestanica, which has mostly white flowers in cluster of five on each stem. I can't believe I have already received my first fall bulb catalog for the year! Anybody for bulb-shopping already???

T. turkestanicas are looking even better in their second year, with the cloud of white blooms waving back and forth in the breeze. I think a field of these would be lovely. Again though, the dead foliage and seed heads are best disguised later in the season. Unfortunately I have these right at the front of the perennial border and I'll have to tuck annuals in around them!
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