For the last few weeks, the poplar trees have been releasing their fluff like snow, except this snow drifts around in the breeze and collects in corners until it germinates more unwanted awful trees. Can you tell I don't like the poplars? They make me sneeze, invade my flower beds with their suckers, and aren't really attractive. Unfortunately, they grow everywhere around here. I can't do much about it. My three year old looks outside and calls these "fluffy days". To her, they are good days to be outside.
Poplar fluff in the air |
My white herbaceous peony "Lotus Queen" is in full bloom. It is described as a zone 3 perennial and does very well here. I only wish I had more peonies. Ah well, someday I will.
Peony "Lotus Queen" |
Our first strawberries are ripe! They are covered in netting so no critters get them, aside from the ones that live in our house and walk on two feet...and I see that I got a lovely dandelion leaf in the picture too! Someday I'll get some time to weed again. At least the power is on and we can bath and enjoy working kitchen appliances again. The long weekend is sure to be a crazy one here. Wish I didn't have to work!
1 comment:
Our prairie summer snow is just ending here in Edmonton. At least with a little one around, you get to see the new joy of the little things every day through her eyes.
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