The tiny vegetable garden, in which my green beans STILL have not come up. I'm beginning to suspect my seeds were too old. Spinach is looking great, though:

This seems to be an eye-burningly-bright picture, but it illustrates my (edible) rhubarb as an ornamental feature of my raised flower bed. It actually gets more light here than my previous rhubarb locations and seems to be growing well with its large helping of cow manure this spring. I'm hoping for some nice red rhubarb stalks for summer eating.

Double late tulip "Angelique" is just starting to bloom:

This peony-like flower looks beautiful and like any "late" tulip, does very well in our climate. I buy mine from Botanus, because I like how they clearly label all the tulip varieties so that I can know exactly what I am buying. No, I don't get paid to advertise for them, but I get so annoyed at the companies that sell "beautiful pink tulips", without telling you what type of tulip they are (tall, short, naturalizing, early season, late season, etc.). The late varieties will not get damaged by spring frosts and therefore seem to do well here.
i think your vegetable patch is looking alright... ours is a little stunted this year too, i think the temperature ups and downs have the veggies all confuzzled:)
Bean seeds really need warm temperatures, perhaps it hasn't been hot enough yet. Really love the rhubarb and the bergenia together - very attractive.
Barbara - yes, I hope it's the temperature. But if so, we now have many more seeds than necessary hiding in that dirt. I went out and planted another packet today (actually only need about 5 plants).
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