The "Blue Diamond" Double Late Tulips have gotten more beautiful with age. I guess they only start to look good once they fully open.
Lily of the Valley (Convallaria majalis) is now blooming in its shady bed:
A visit to BB's garden resulted in these pretty pictures of plants I don't have but would like, such as this Gentiana acaulis:
Happily, a seedling from this Aquilegia glandulosa got in my car and came home with me!
Dodacatheon pulchellum is also in bloom in my friend's garden. All the plants in her yard are not coddled or protected from winter in any way, so this plant must be quite hardy.
"Tres Chic" Lily flowered tulips, BB's favourite large-flowered tulip type.
A beautiful Lewisia cotyledon at BB's yard. Oh so beautiful and mouthwatering!
Kona got a great walk yesterday. Sniffing the grass, marking the grass, and generally running amok brought tongue-dangling joy to the big girl! Poor girl couldn't catch a muskrat if dinner depended on it though...
Wild Lady Slipper Orchids ... lucky you!
Lucky Kona too, getting out on a long walk. A dogs joy ... walks and food!
I love the ladyslippers. What a beautiful colour. The white shooting star is gorgeous as is the lewisia. Kona looks content and happy out on her walk.
Beautiful lady slipper orchids.
Thanks for sharing.
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