Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Lake Ice and Aruncus Dioicus

We had to wonder what the tourists at the campground were thinking this past weekend. It was the May long weekend and the first weekend the provincial campgrounds are open. As usual, folks with boats on trailers drove past our house on the way to the provincial campground (Nut Point). This year, the lake has been slow to thaw and the boats would not be going far without an icebreaker! Sorry, folks.

Here are some pictures of the lake this evening, near the RCMP detachment. The tree buds have not opened yet and the trees are still very bare.

View over the Legion building, towards Lac La Ronge:

Picture of Aruncus dioicus, a large bushy perennial also called Goat's beard. I like the red stems and how they contrast with the green foliage of my other perennials in the spring. The plant turns green later and produces fluffy clusters of white flowers that look a bit like an astilbe (though blooms are sadly short-lived). These plants like to stay moist, though mine live in average soil with afternoon shade and they do well.


Cicero Sings said...

Neat ice picture. Funny about the camping boaters ... all that extra gas to haul them too! The long weekend was a hot one for us.

Amy said...

Brrr...hanging out on a lake with ice still on it is COLD! Not much fun at all. Cicero only lives about an hour's drive south of me. It was blazing hot for us too.