Resident-lawnmower-man shovels snow off the decks:
You have to live somewhere cold to understand why the Cree name for January is "Moon of the Tree Exploding Month". I haven't seen the trees explode myself, but I wouldn't doubt it if someone told me they saw an exploding tree in this severe cold. My own descriptive name for this month might be "Moon of the nostrils freezing together".
Here is my phalenopsis Brother Mirage "Brother" orchid in (almost) full bloom:
Seedlings in humidity dome:
I have limited myself to a few perennials for now, including Euphorbia myrsinites, whose seed packet made it sound like only sorcerers and advanced horticulturalists could make this seed germinate. It sounded like a good challenge for January, when I am over-eager to plant things. Strangely, they germinated easily in warm conditions. I also am growing some Gentiana acaulis and Arabis blepharophylla Spring Charm.
So by that post I have to assume that all you true northern types are sorcerers that can coax seeds to germinate and may be able to explode trees?
I remember -60 with the windchill in Saskatoon, or at least I think that was what it was and yest Moon of the Nostrils Freezing together is an excellent name. How about Moon of the Hair Bell Music (for hair not thoroughly dry). Or Moon of Aching Skin.
Exploding tree. Wow.
Ottawa has been on the unseasonably warm side, but with snow, lots of snow.
ooooooh ... -34 .... brrrrr. Only -7 here during the day but may drop a bit tonight as it is a clear one! As for plants, I'm barely keep my indoor plants alive at the moment. Won't think of starting more until March or April. You are so dedicated to growth!!!
This morning, I thought -18c felt positively balmy. We've been getting hit with those nasty temperatures too. I've never heard of exploding trees, but it isn't real surprising.
I love the look of your Orchid - it's beautiful. Spring Charm is my favourite Arabis. I'm glad you are starting some!
And way to go on the Euphorbia seeds ... you are a sorcerer!
I wish I were a plant sorcerer. It's more that I choose futile plant tasks (like growing difficult seeds) in January to staunch the over-eager desire to plant things too early.
-34 and exploding trees? okay, i'll never complain about a -25 windchill again. i promise.
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