Here are are two different Echeveria leaves that have produced some roots:
At first, I starved these cuttings of water, knowing that succulents like it dry. More recently, I saw them shriveling and watered them a bit more. They seem to have rewarded me by growing roots! I am very happy I didn't just kill my sister-in-law's plants by cutting them all to pieces. Phew!
Tray of Echevaria cuttings, under fluorescent lights:
I fell in love with the ice plant (Livingstone Daisy, Dorotheanthus criniflorus, Mesembryanthemum criniflorum) while visiting Arizona last month. They are ridiculously easy to propagate and grow (thrive on neglect and little water) and have beautiful flowers. I got a packet of seed and planted a few, producing these seedlings after only three days! I think these little succulents would be perfect for a sun-baked flower bed or neglected sandy slope.
Now if only I could propagate my African violet. I have tried this before with no luck. Someday this will work for me.
Watching things grow in the basement is a nice reprieve from braving the cold outside. It was -32C this morning, which is "mild" considering that north of us up in Stony Rapids, SK, it was -43 C (with no wind). I heeded the radio and put on a sweater!